Thursday, March 27, 2014

Party Mojo and children parties!

Hi All,

Mr Rabbit is in action again! And here's one party with little space to perform. But Mr Rabbit can be closer to the kids :) Shhhh if you see how the magic is done! (too close)
Haha just kidding, how can Mr Rabbit reveal his magic effects to the audience, ain't gonna happen. *wink
So when it comes to the finale, its the secret magic mystery table.
Everyone grab some magic dust in the air!!!

Another party at some other galaxy... haha just kidding, some other venue's party. Its someone's birthday! And whose birthday is it???
You say the magic word! Bunny Bunny!!! Children are adorable aren't they?
Lets teleport to the first party, whats the magic word???
This is the warm up effect for all parties when children get all excited for magic, where is the pepsi.



