Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekend- bringing magic house to house

The most recent weekend was magic weekend. We had more magic shows than balloon events, and therefore, Mr Rabbit is back to action!
Magician Mr Rabbit performing his flying table illusion for the birthday boy:
I hope these beautiful and magical memories stays in the children's heart. To me, magic is not just purely entertainment. It is something that bring forth hope and happiness, it makes us believe in achievement what we thought is impossible. Magicians play a very important role in achieving that idea.
Laughter is the best medicine ^^

This is another birthday party which the venue is super cool. I am performing at a roof top balcony in one of the town houses in Payalebar.

 The birthday girl was too young so i got the elder sister up for the illusion flying table:
Here are some of my favourite shots:
Where is the pepsi?
Where is the pepsi? and where is the pepsi???
You will know the answer in Mr Rabbit's magic show!

STAY TUNE FOR MORE STORIES of Mr Rabbit's magical journey!!!