Monday, May 5, 2014

One of my first magic show venue!

 Hi guys, its time for more rabbit magic!
First if all, when i first stepped into the condominium, i find it very familiar. And when i arrived at the function room, i got all excited and even more familiar. Then i realized i was here 5 years ago.

Kerrisdale Condo, ladies and gentlemen. The condominium which Mr Rabbit performed so many years ago. In fact, that time Mr Rabbit is best known as Jazz the clown rabbit magician. A pretty long name!!! Later on it evolved to Jazz the Rabbit, and finally Mr Rabbit.

As Mr Rabbit magic show evolved, children grew up as well. Can't imagine if i were to perform to a little boy when he was 11, he would be 16 now! Thats like a teenager already, wow... ... time flies.
Continuing... ...
 Ahh, the magic happened again
 Looking at the twirling twisty balloons the children have got, make a guess what kind of balloon sculpture is that?

 oops, this picture is from a different party! haha
The lighting of the photography makes both venue looks the same~
Til next time folks, Mr Rabbit the magician...signing off