Thursday, October 15, 2015

The perfect magic show for kids

Well, many of my friends asked me:

"You have been performing so many magic shows for so many years, what do you think makes the perfect magic show and which of your shows do you think is close to perfection?"

I personally think that for children magic shows, there are 3 key factors to have a perfect show.

Firstly, a professional magician. I feel that every magician should be well trained before charging fees in the market. And after professional trainings, he/she should give the best for every performance. One mentor ever said to me: professionalism is the entire person from head to toe. Meaning from the way the magician dress, to the looks of the props, to the tone in the performance. Every slight detail should be well taken care of.

Secondly is a large and cheerful crowd. Honestly, i guess all the performers will feel the same. We all love large crowds. The more the merrier. And of course cheerful crowds, full of energy. The cheers and claps are the best reward for a performer. And of course they bring up the show's atmosphere.

Lastly i think a perfect show needs a perfect setting. I am trained from the beginning as a street performer, therefore i could actually perform everywhere and anywhere. However if you ask me about a perfect show, i will definitely prefer a large theatre. A theatre with awesome sound systems and perhaps a beautifully decorated stage and also awesome lightings. 

Well, these are my point of view for a perfect magic show for kids parties.


The best show i actually think i performed, is a show particularly in a dance studio:
This was in mid 2015, yes i pretty recent show. And i kinda think that the atmosphere was the best i ever felt. I mean, the parents were laughing all the way, kids were enjoying themselves. And the best part is, quite a number of kids and parents came up to say thank you for the show before they leave the room to proceed to another room for more activities.

Its just this super cool feeling that i felt that i have done by best, and this is by far the show i feel that it is closest to perfection!

Mr Rabbit have got more magic shows coming up, and i will share more stories with everyone soon!